Friday, March 7, 2008

Shabbat Pekude - Shekalim

As I was about to write a dvar Torah for the community, we heard the tragic news of eight young Yeshiva men murdered at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav, known as Mosad Harav Kook. We heard in complete shock what happened within fifteen minutes. Anger and frustration took over, just thinking, how parents were told that their children will not be celebrating this Shabbat with them, no more. As I sit down and write these words, I force to tell myself that there is a time for everything. Now it is time to mourn and cry. Tomorrow, it will be a time not to despair. Because the day after a tragedy, we have to look forward for a better tomorrow. We have no choice. We must. This is the story of Am Yisrael. "E't tzara hee l'ya'akov, umimenna yivashea" "At a time of great distress for (the people of) Ya'akov, salvation shall spring forth from it."

As we celebrate Rosh Hodesh Adar this Shabbat, and we begin to study Megilat Ester, in preparation for Purim, the story unfolds before our eyes how Am Yisrael was saved from a holocaust that never took place. The story of Ester contains but a narrative devoid of any miracles that were performed for Israel during her youth. It all happens as per chance and by sheer luck, with a happy ending. The difference between the book of Ester and the rest of the books of the Bible is the difference between "Miracle and Nature" The difference is obvious. It is called "TIME. We have come of age. We have come to realize that NATURE too, is also a MIRACLE. Every minute we breathe is a gift from Hashem, everything we posses is HIS.

Ester was the last book of the Bible. Ester realized this great truth. No wonder she requested from the sages of the time "KITVUNI LEDOROT" Write our story to teach future generations to bless God for everything He gives us and grant us. We are a generation after the holocaust who has been privileged to see our dreams of 2,000 years come to fruition. The Jewish people living in their land as a Jewish nation. A Hesed (kindness) unparalleled to no other nation. And yes, we do pay a price, and sometimes the best amongst us are taken away so that we may live. Let us all pray for the souls of those murdered, and pray that Hashem avenge their blood. Let us pray for those parents and family members that Hashem be their comfort. Let us pray for all of Am Yisrael that they may not suffer any more sorrow, and let us pray for the ultimate redemption in our own days - Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your words from this week's blog re the tragedy in Israel touched me. It is exactly why I take honour in calling you my rabbi.