Friday, April 11, 2008

Shabbat Metsora

Parashat Metsora: The type of disease that the Torah speaks about is considered by our Hachamim as a result of Lashon Hara (evil tongue).
Lashon Hara often does incalculable damage to the good name of the person being discussed. Unlike a physical injury, where the full extent of the trauma is usually obvious, Lashon Hara is likely to be repeated by those who hear it, and they in turn will tell it to others, thereby causing an ever expanding circle of harm. Even if the speaker eventually regrets the damage he has done to his victim's reputation, it is usually impossible to undo it by getting in touch with all the people who heard the negative report.
In a small town, a man who disliked the rabbi went about spreading malicious reports about him. Some were true, but nobody else's business; others were either untrue or exaggerated. At a certain point the man realized that what he had said was unfair and had immensely damaged the rabbi's reputation. Full of remorse, he confessed to the rabbi what he had done, and begged for forgiveness.
The rabbi, shocked at what the man had said, told him, "Go home and take a feather pillow; then go outside, cut it open, and scatter its feathers to the winds. After you have done that, come back to me."
The man thought the request bizarre, but, relieved that this act would gain the rabbi's forgiveness, followed the instructions precisely When he returned, he asked the rabbi, " Am I now forgiven?" "One more thing" the rabbi replied. "Now go and gather up all the feathers". "But that's impossible!" the man said. "Precisely" the rabbi answered. "And just as you can never gather all the feathers, so too you can never fully undo the damage you have caused me."As Pesah is approaching, let us think and act well towards our brothers and sisters all over the world, in particular Erets Yisrael, where many need financial help to make a proper Seder. Each one of us should take care of one family that they spend Pesah properly. May Hashem bless you all.
Shabbat Shalom

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